Truembroidery 3 Software For Mac

TruEmbroidery™ - Software for Mac®TruE™ / TruE™ 3. Introducing the premier embroidery software specifically designed for Mac® computers. A complete software system designed specifically for Mac computers, TruEmbroidery offers everything you need create embroidery designs from images, or even your imagination. IT operates on the native Mac interface is enhanced by OS X Mountain Lion features, such as gestures. Dont worry, its simply just like regular MAC software.

Click on the appropriate link below to download and install the PREMIER+™ 2 Embroidery System.
If you have purchased any PREMIER+™ 2 package you will have an Activation Code. Once installed, open PREMIER+™ 2 Configure, click on the Activate button and follow the instructions.
After activating, use Smart Update to download and install any remaining components.
If you do not have an Activation Code then you may use PREMIER+™ 2 Embroidery Free, with limited features.

Previous Systems

Truembroidery™ 3 Software For Mac®

You must have purchased the software before visiting the download portal. You will need to enter your details to sign in.


Truembroidery 3 Software For Mac


Truembroidery 3 Software For Mac®

Ensure your software is up–to–date with the latest version by using Smart Update from Configure.
Alternatively you may use the links on our Software Help & Updates page.